International Case Study

International Insurance Company

An Insurance company, required risk assessments for over 100 of their offices throughout the US and areas around the world in which they have offices, including Ireland, Mexico, and Europe. Areas of concern included access and controls, insider threats and workplace violence, corporate investigations, emergency planning, networks and databases. We had to accommodate different jurisdictional requirements, including permitting and other legal considerations, as well as cultural sensitivities and the prevailing political environment. Goals to protect, include their employees and contractors, facilitate protection of data subject to HIPPA and PPI considerations and regulations, help pass stringent audits from their customers including federal and state agencies ( to retain those contracts and secure others) , enhance their delivery of services and competitive advantage by initiating and maintaining a robust security posture so that breaches do not occur and they would be more attract to prospective clients.

We developed a synergized integrated security platform including technology, expertise and quality personnel that spanned the entire enterprise with the capacity of providing actionable real time information to HQ and response capability to and from any of its locations, 24/7. We facilitated their ongoing growth by strategy by assisting them with legacy issues they confront that reside in the new operations that they acquire. We incorporated smart technologies like predictive analytics to help us better understand threat patterns and design more effective mitigation systQ1s and strategies while meeting budgetary constraint. We help them provide leverage for timely response and effective communication and security with cost solutions which actually enhance ROI.

Multiple Global Automotive Sub Assembly Designers and Manufacturers

A multiple owned conglomerate, international automotive designer and manufacturer of sub-assemblies for major automobile manufactures around the world, operations throughout the world and a complex and supply chain. We were primarily tasked with assisting with their 30 plus locations and manufacturing facilities in Mexico and Central America, They need them to be reviewed from a security perspective, gap analysis provided for all, design and implement security and protective matrix that would accommodate the very different plant configurations, employee composition, topography, surrounding environment, prevailing threats and hazards both and manmade, operational considerations supply chain node security concerns, integration with US Corp operations and the European and Asian, which in itself presented its own set of cultural sensitivity issues, knowledge, skills and training to effectively manage, communicate and effectuate our security mandate. 

We provided copious training, to their staffs and management in English and Spanish on managing threats inside and outside the plants, situational awareness workshops and coordinated counter surveillance that are weaved into normal operations and are maintained and become part of the operational culture. The plant infrastructures were fortified and hardened where appropriate and maximized the available financial resources by giving them the most robust protection within the prevailing budgets available for each location. Designed, implemented and executed quarterly reviews, compliance strategies and conducted audits of personnel, security systems, emerging threats, concerns and vulnerabilities as well as reviewed the viability, utility and the effectiveness of internal controls along a risk vulnerably continuum. Trend analysis provided by the management with a virtuous feedback loop to support heuristics, benchmarking, and corrective action.

We believe that everyone deserves to feel safe – our solutions make it possible.
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626 RXR Plaza 6th Floor,
Uniondale, NY 11556

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3152 Pradera Dorada CD.Juarez,

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